First Term

During the Scholastic Year we talk about different Topics, topics that we change every 3 to 4 weeks. Each topic is divided into six areas of development, which help children to develop holistically. These areas are Personal, social and emotional, Literacy and Language, Mathematics, Physical, Creative, and Knowledge and understanding of the World.

First Topic of this Term:
In the first week the children talk about themselves and their family.
 Learn about their emotions. Some are happy, others have difficulty to adapt themselves to the school routine.
We learn new vocabulary and names of various parts of our body, talk about our five senses.

Five Senses

Sing Different songs

Read Stories

Here is a very interesting activity children love to do

2nd Week
In the second week we talk about our friends.
We are all different, we are "all special"
We make new friends at school, we learn to share, and taking turns.
Talk about different personalities, different abilities, different cultures and different religion.

Sings new song

Read Stories

3rd Week

This week we are going to talk about our country Malta, and about our home town Birkirkara
Talk about Malta, that it is an island surrounded by water, talk also about our sister island Gozo.
We talk about where we live, Birkirkara, it's places of interest.

Map of Malta

The Maltese Flag

Birkirkara's Parish Church

The Old Railway Station Garden

Sings New Songs

Read This beautiful story

Lost and Found  

2nd Topic

Colours Of The Rainbow

We are going to talk about all colours of the rainbow
We are going to start with red

Red is an apple
Red is a rose
Red is a stop sign 
And a funny clown nose

Red objects

We start experimenting with colours, mixing colours.
What happens when we mix two colours together
This week we are going to mix red and yellow, we get orange.

Sings new songs

Play games

Read Stories

2nd Week Colour Yellow

This week we are going to talk about the colour yellow.
Yellow is another of the three primary colours
Yellow like a banana
Yellow like the sun
Yellow like a sunflower
Yellow like lemons


The Sun



Play Games

Sing New songs

Listen and read stories

3rd Week   Colour Blue

This week we are going to talk about the colour Blue
The third primary colour

Blue like the clear blue sky
Blue like the deep blue sea

Some Blue pictures


4th Week Green

This week we are going to talk about the colour Green.
Green the colour in trees, leaves, plants.
Green is a secondary colour
Mixing blue and yellow we get the colour green.

Play games 

More colour games

Read Stories

Singing songs

3tr Topic


The third topic of this term is Christmas
We are going to talk about Christmas, the spirit of Christmas.

In the first week we are going to talk  about the story of Christmas, about the Holy Night in which Jesus was born.

The Nativity Story in Maltese

Sings Christmas Songs

Play games

2nd week

This week we are going to talk about our Christmas Concert
which is going to be held this week on Friday 7th December.
This is our final week of rehearsal and preparation for the concert, the children are so excited. 

Sing Christmas songs

Dancing Christmas Tree

Jingle Bells

Read Stories

Baby Jesus is born

Play games

Here you can find different Christmas games you can play with your children

3rd week


This week we are going to talk about Christmas festivities, Christmas Party, and presents we like for Christmas.
A Happy Christmas to everyone


Play Games

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